​About Yakov Zeiger



An expert in physical therapy, cranio-sacral therapy and neurological restoration (International Bobath Therapy Method).

A licensed physical therapist by the Israeli Ministry of Health and by the New York State Department of Education (the University of the State of New York).

Accomplished professional training in acupuncture in Beijing Hospital. Has extensive teaching experience (core subjects)  at the Wingate Institute. 

Yakov’s fully equipped studio offers advanced electrotherapy devices.

Provides treatment to a diversity of patients of all ages, including athletes, those suffering from neurological issues and road accident victims. Having practiced and studied the field for over  20 years,  has gained vast experience and specialization in the following areas:


  • pain management
  • functional rehabilitation
  • spinal rehabilitation
  • treatment of sports injuries
  • neurological restoration
  • vestibular therapy
  • TMJ therapy




Robert Leider:


I live in Michigan, United States, and I travel to Israel four months out of every year to volunteer teaching English at the high schools helping students with "Bagrut." 

 At home I am regularly treated from very severe automobile and falling accidents, and a brain injury by many doctors and technicians.

Two years ago my daughter, who lives in Giv'atayim, went to see Yakov for a problem she was having with headaches and balance.

Yakov adjusted her for crystals that formed in her ears  causing her to be dizzy and not have balance. 

My daughter was thrilled the problem was over, but even more, that Yakov immediately knew how to fix her problem.

I feel this way as well. 

If it wasn't for Yakov, I would not be able to stay in Israel as long as I do. 

Yakov is very insightful as he listens to and examines you understanding your concerns and physical challenges.

Being so intuitive, he expertly uses his extensive range of methods, skills, abilities, experience and academic training to treat you in a kind, respectful and highly professional manner.

He integrates his experience and knowledge in order to help you manage your condition, your pain, and begin to heal.

Yakov has a blessed depth of caring and concern for all people he treats.

He draws upon his wisdom of worldwide methodologies, education and travels inspiring you to be a partner sharing responsibility for your own health. 

He offers exercises, nutritional advice; stories and examples helping you to engage positive thinking and belief in yourself.

During my many years of recovery, I have never had the pleasure and the fortune to work with such a remarkable healer who truly understands the human mind and body as Yakov Zeiger.

See him.



Adeena  Hudes:

I truly recommend Yakov Zeiger as a physical therapist. As the head of clinic, I worked with Yakov for 3 years and it was a pleasure working with him. Yakov was always up to date in his clinical level and treated all patients in a kind and professional way.


 June Alexander:

The back problems are much better and I want to thank Yakov Zeiger over and over for helping me and for his kindness.

Physiotherapy Sheinkin Givatayim​



This app relieves backache and many other kinds of pain by exercising the central nervous system.


Try the application by yourself, and you'll see that it helps:



Mobile application for pain relief



For a long period of time, we handle any loads, and then comes a dangerous overwork ...

​The attached graphs illustrate the teachings of Dr. Hans Selye, explained this in his famous research:

Take good care of your health


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Email: yzeiger@gmail.com

Tel: 054-7590384



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תודה רבה!

הטופס נשלח בהצלחה.



Yakov Zeiger, Physiotherapist


I'd be happy to answer any questions

you may have

Tel: 054-5534013

Givatayim, Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan

פיזיותרפיסט פרטי

גבעתיים, תל אביב, רמת גן


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